AIG Email Encryption System

When you have forgotten your password

If you forget your password you have registered, please try to reset your password by following the instructions below.

  1. Click 〔Forgot Password〕 on the Login window.
  2. The 〔Password Reset Request Sent〕 window is displayed, a password reset message is sent to your email address.
  3. Try to reset your password by following the instructions of the email.
  4. The window switch to the 〔Enter New Password〕 window.
    • Enter a new password in the 〔New password〕 field.
    • Re-enter the same password in the 〔Confirm password〕 field.
    • Password must have 8 - 99 characters.
    • Must contain at least one number.
    • Characters that can be used for password are as below.
      • alphabetic character (capital/small letter)
      • numbers
      • symbols shown on the keyboard
    • Please note that there is case sensitive for capital and small letter.
    • User name(email address) can not be used as password.
  5. Click 〔Continue〕.

After completing the steps above, your password is reset and you can see the contents of email on your Web Browser.