『企業のメンタルヘルス管理と職場環境改善』を公表/AIG Institute Insight “Corporate Mental Health Management and Work Environment Improvement” released【ENG】
English follows Japanese.
AIG Institute Insight “Corporate Mental Health Management and Work Environment Improvement”
AIG Institute has released AIG Insight #4, with this edition featuring mental health management at companies focusing on improving the work environment.
As noted in the previous reports - AIG Institute Insight #2: Framework and Current Environment of Industrial Mental Health Management in Japan and AIG Insight #3: Survey on Mental Health for Workers and Future Issues - the majority of working people feel stressed on the job, and mental health management is becoming increasingly important for companies. On the other hand, other issues have been identified, such as gaps between large and small companies in terms of available health management initiatives.
Based on the current situation, this report will focus on a method of improvement in the working environment that looks at “psychosocial risks” in the workplace. Rather than having mental health experts deal with problems after-the-fact, this approach identifies and mitigates existing risks in the work environment, which then helps reduce the incidence of mental health issues. In other words, the approach is a preventative, total-workplace (holistic) approach.
This fourth AIG Institute report advocates for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to reduce the substantial disparities (relative to large companies) in health promotion and create a healthier work environment for their employees. This is an approach that can be easily and effectively implemented at SMEs.
Please click here to read the latest AIG Institute Insight.